Ripples #1335: Staggering Generosity


Never let a day pass without looking for the good, feeling the good within you, praising, appreciating, blessing, and being grateful. Make it your life commitment, and you will stand in utter awe of what happens in your life.
~Rhonda Byrne, shared by Sheri via Incredible Joy


There is no secret to the good life. It isn’t a mystery. If you wish to live a good life, fill your life with goodness. Fill your life with love, kindness, gratitude, compassion, and generosity. Take risks with your goodness. Test the limits of your goodness. Don’t just love, astonish people with your love. Don’t just dabble in generosity, live a life of staggering generosity.
~Retired Lt Colonel Charlie Kibben, shared by Melissa in Carmel, IN via


Most folks I know are concerned about the current state of things, and the direction that things are headed. I’m not sure how the new year is gonna unfold, and I’m not sure how bad things are going to get before they start getting better. While I don’t have answers about how to fix all that needs fixing, I do know that if we are ruled solely by our fears and frustrations that we’ll end up missing out on the good stuff that really is out there, and we’ll be less likely to act on our own impulses towards generosity.

Regardless of your state of concern and level of hopefulness about what possibilities lay ahead, I want you to know that every single time you open and read these Ripples emails you are participating in a community of over 25,000 kind souls who believe in the power of our UROCK mission: Unleashing Ripples of Compassion + Kindness. Together we represent a broad spectrum of political ideologies, spiritual beliefs, and ways of looking at and moving through the world. If we were gathered all together, there would likely be things we disagreed with–perhaps passionately. I’m equally confident that we’d also be able to recognize our positive intent and common humanity.

It’s important to keep in mind that we don’t have to agree on everytthing to remember that the world can and does get better as each of our smaller kindnesses pave the way for larger acts of generosity. And we don’t have to choose between focusing solely on the yummy stuff OR diligently keeping our eyes open for the problematic and/or dangerous yucky stuff. With a little practice and the right combination of patience and persistence, we can keep at least one eye searching for any level of generosity being offered by others, and seizing opportunities to unleash our own.

Are you in?


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