Every Monday since 1999, Paul has been sending out Ripples, an email containing two upbeat quotes submitted by readers (Pebble, Boulder) and something to think about for the week (Ponder). Enjoy recent issues below, and farther down you can use the keyword cloud or search bar to dive into our archive of over 1,100 issues. Have a quote that might make a good Pebble or Boulder? Submit it here!

Ripples #1320: Recovery & Healing

You can’t recover until you know what you’re recovering from.
~Kathy, written and shared by Kathy in Wisconsin


When you stand and share your story in an empowering way, your story will heal you and your story will heal somebody else.…
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Ripples #1270: Futzing with Feels

To assume that your emotions are always important and meaningful is a recipe for suffering and emotional instability.
Nick Wagnall, shared by Tom via his blog


Whatever you’re focused on is literally like planning a future event and your emotions give you instant feedback that reflect your thinking.…
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