Every Monday since 1999, Paul has been sending out Ripples, an email containing two upbeat quotes submitted by readers (Pebble, Boulder) and something to think about for the week (Ponder). Enjoy recent issues below, and farther down you can use the keyword cloud or search bar to dive into our archive of over 1,100 issues. Have a quote that might make a good Pebble or Boulder? Submit it here!

Ripples #1312: Assuming Hope

The most important thing to remember is that, miracle of miracles, we’re still here. We still have time to turn things around, no matter how late the hour.…
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Ripples #1305: Elevating Hope

We rise by lifting others.
-Robert Ingersol, shared by Jamie in Iowa


To do something, however small, to make others happier and better, is the highest ambition, the most elevating hope, which can inspire a human being.…
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