Every Monday since 1999, Paul has been sending out Ripples, an email containing two upbeat quotes submitted by readers (Pebble, Boulder) and something to think about for the week (Ponder). Enjoy recent issues below, and farther down you can use the keyword cloud or search bar to dive into our archive of over 1,100 issues. Have a quote that might make a good Pebble or Boulder? Submit it here!

Ripples #1252: Investing Energy Wisely

An invitation is an opportunity and not a command.
-Ann Voskamp, shared by Carolyn in Blacksburg, VA


The best way to invest your emotional energy wisely is to get comfortable saying no thank you.…
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Ripples #1206: Let Freedom Ring!

Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another.
-Toni Morrison, shared by Sara in Madison, WI


Nothing is more wonderful than the art of being free, but nothing is harder to learn how to use than freedom.…
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