Every Monday since 1999, Paul has been sending out Ripples, an email containing two upbeat quotes submitted by readers (Pebble, Boulder) and something to think about for the week (Ponder). Enjoy recent issues below, and farther down you can use the keyword cloud or search bar to dive into our archive of over 1,100 issues. Have a quote that might make a good Pebble or Boulder? Submit it here!

Ripples #1315: Do the Doing!

Do the doing for the doing.
~Dimitrios Papadakis, shared by Timothy in Ocala, FL


Too much thinking kills charity and diminishes genuine altruism.…
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Ripples #1287: Our Silver Anniversary!

The kindness we extend to another ripples out into the universe endlessly.
-Calvin Malone, shared by Teresa in Cincinnati, OH


…Set kindness as your focus
in your little corner of the world
it makes ripples you see
ripples are contagious
they form into waves
and consistent
determined little waves
can move mountains
given time…
-Donna Ashworth, shared by Jane in Minneapolis via Wild Hope


It feels a little incongruent to focus too much on a big milestone in an email that is specifically about the ongoing impact of our smaller actions, but here’s the deal: it has now been TWENTY FIVE YEARS since we sent out the first Ripples email to 75 kind souls back in January 1999.…
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Ripples #1270: Futzing with Feels

To assume that your emotions are always important and meaningful is a recipe for suffering and emotional instability.
Nick Wagnall, shared by Tom via his blog


Whatever you’re focused on is literally like planning a future event and your emotions give you instant feedback that reflect your thinking.…
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