Ripples #867: Great Opportunities!
Jan 04, 2016
The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are.
-John Burroughs, shared by Brittany in Florida
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief.
Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now.
You are not obligated to complete the work,
but neither are you free to abandon it.
-The Talmud, shared by Leslie in Madison, WI
Welcome to 2016! I hope that the first few days of the new year have provided you with some fresh energy and renewed inspiration for work, school, and/or life. If you’re like most of us, you’ve got some really good stuff going on AND you’ve got at least a few challenges that sometimes feel like burdens. Keep in mind that if we’re not careful, a string of disappointments can sometimes spiral us downward into despair; it also happens to be true that with the right mindset and a gentle yet persistent approach, we can transform any blechiness we encounter into a bounty of potential growth.
There are several things that are going on in my life and in the world that frustrate and/or dishearten me; the quotes above encourage me to shift away from a mindset of, “Life would be better if those would just disappear,” and move towards the idea that life generally improves as we embrace Great Opportunities to learn, to grow, and to thrive.
Bring it, 2016. Bring it all.
The Ripples Guy