Ripples #1337: Igniting A Fire Within


Maybe it won’t work out.
But seeing if it does might be the greatest adventure of your life.
-adapted from unknown source, shared by Sarah in Tucson, AZ


Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their head in the clouds and their feet on the ground. Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world better than when you found it…
~Wilfred Peterson, shared by Jen in Ontario, Canada


Happy New Year to you, my ripply friend!

As we step into 2025, I’m determined to join the dreamers and the believers and all the other courageous types mentioned in today’s Boulder. They sound like an invigorating bunch of people to be around, and I’m guessing a combination of optimism and determination could help all of us dive into the new year with a bit more promise and a bit less pessimism, ready to focus more on the opportunities than the obstacles. (Not completely ignoring those obstacles, btw…it’s just that we’ll need to focus more on the opportunities so that we can face those obstacles and deal with them effectively).

Will all of this be easy? Prolly not.
Will we be successful? Well, we won’t know until we try.

Whatever is going on around the country and around the world, and whatever is going on in your little corner (work stuff, school stuff, life stuff, etc.), your very existence proves there is at least one good reason to keep going and keep growing: you! You made it to today (congrats on that, by the way). You’re worth lifting up and firing up, right? RIGHT?

And guess what else: I made it to today, too, along with a whole bunch of other people you know and care about. And each and every one of us is a quality human being with needs and hopes and dreams that are worth nurturing. We all benefit from your presence in their world, and the whole reason I keep generating these weekly emails (along with our other ripply shenanigans*) is to provide an ongoing stream of hopeful, helpful reminders that our efforts matter.

Would you consider doing me a favor that would also be doing YOU a favor? Think of one specific action you could take that would ignite your own fire: listen to a song that consistently lifts you up, send a quick text to a treasured friend or colleague to share greetings and gratitude; or maybe post a treasured photo or inspirational quote image somewhere you’ll see it frequently. Or think of some other easy task that would likely fire you up a bit. Don’t just ponder it, though, actually DO IT! Then you’ll be ready for the next step: identify a specific action that aligns with any intentions/resolutions/goals you’ve set for the new year. Then do something more than just think about it: ACTUALLY DO THIS STEP TOO!

*P.S. Our shenanigans include the Quote Pond, the Daily Splash, The Ripples Convergence Facebook Group, and the Team Ripples Patreon Community.

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