Curiosity and questions will get you further than confidence and answers.
~Maxime Legacé, shared by Carla in Denver, CO
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.
~Stephen Hawking, shared by Beth in Dallas, TX
I’ve been seeking Answers to big, hard questions lately. Nice, tidy, complete Answers that would help me understand myself and the world. Answers that would include specific details about what’s going on and where things are headed and precisely what I am supposed to be doing to get ready. So far, they haven’t shown up on my doorstep. Harumph!
Until these elusive Answers decide to reveal themselves, I’m going to to see if my friends Curiosity and Questions will keep me company on my travels. They help me venture out into the unknowingness of things with a little less fear and a little more excitement.
When I’m Overwhelmed, Curiosity helps calm me down with Questions like, “What if we took a couple deep breaths and paused just long enough to figure out how we would calmly and accurately describe what is going on in this moment to someone who wasn’t hear to witness it?”
When I’m Stuck, Curiosity helps activate me with Questions like, “What if this perplexing problem was a beautiful, thousand piece jigsaw puzzle? How would we begin to piece it together?”
Curiosity often reframes my arduous Quest for Answers into an engaging Game of Clues, helping me escape the Land of Overwhelm and Stuckness and enter the Field of Possibility.
And the right Questions often help me remember that Answers are a bit overrated anyway.
Wanna join me? Invite Curiosity and Questions into your day!
P.S. Happy Labor Day to my fellow USians (and Happy Labour Day to our friends to our north!). Whatever you’re doing this weekend, I invite you to spend at least a few moments recognizing that this holiday weekend, and in fact *every* weekend, was brought to you by the Labor Movement.