Ripples #1254: Gentle Mental Toughness


I don’t need easy. I just need just possible.
(Don’t impose self limiting ideas that prevent you from reaching your goals.)
-Bethany Hamilton, “Soul Surfer“, shared by Veronica in Ohio


Mental toughness is often portrayed as determination and persistence, but it can also be flexibility and adaptability: “I can be happy anywhere; I can work with what I have; I can have a good day with anyone.” You are tough when your mood is not dependent on your conditions.
James Clear, shared by John in Texas


We often think of mental toughness as bringing a fierce energy complete with gritted teeth and unstoppable forward motion. It has sort of a, “I’M NEVER GIVING UP UNTIL I GET THERE” determination, screaming just as loudly as those all-caps suggest. Toughness can be that, and sometimes that is precisely the form of fierce tenacity that we need to call forth.

There’s a different flavor of toughness that is also effective and sometimes more easily cultivated. It’s a more gentle, pliable variation, and it sounds more like this: “I want to get there, I intend to get there, and I’m pretty sure I will get there because I’m regularly focusing on what I can do today to make progress…even when it means pausing along the way or taking a different route when roadblocks are encountered.”

Consider whether one or more of the challenges you’re currently grappling with might respond to a bit of gentle mental toughness. Experiment a bit, and let me know how it goes!

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