Ripples #1077: Embrace The Oops!
Jan 13, 2020
Embrace the oops and carry on.
-Barbara Naberhaus
shared by Barbara in Cincinnati, OH
However disorienting, difficult, or humbling our mistakes might be, it is ultimately wrongness, not rightness, that can teach us who we are.
-Kathryn Schulz, shared by Pete in Sedona, AZ (via the Calm app:
Most of you know that last week, while attempting to test a new template for Ripples 2020, I inadvertently sent out a mostly-empty email to our entire list. OOPS! I’m sure most people didn’t mind, and I did receive a few lovely messages, including Barbara’s excellent advice that is featured as today’s Pebble. (A few other responses made me smile…Sarah wrote, “Ah simplicity. My favorite Ripples so far!” while Joe responded to the mostly empty email with, “I agree! Sometimes it’s just best to clear your mind of everything.”
I’ve taken dear Barbara’s advice to embrace this OOPS and just keep moving, grooving, and growing…I invite you to do the same by embracing an OOPS or two of your own.
If you want to make this week extra awesome, I dare you to think of someone else who made a mistake that impacted you in some way…and then embrace their oops as an unintended, inconvenient-yet-forgivable error. I’m sure it will help them out, and I’m guessing it will end up serving you well, too.
The Ripples Guy
P.S. The BIG irony of my OOPS is that it happened while I was trying to find an artful way to share the big news about our new book, Ripples for Reflection, without transforming our ripply newsletter into a sales catalog. If you want to learn more, I made a cheesy video that offers a couple of treats for those who want a copy: