Ripples #1029: The Formidable Force of Love!

Ripples #1029: The Formidable Force of Love!
Feb 11, 2019
Celebrating 20 Year of Ripples 1999-2019!


The greatest thing you’ll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return.
-eden ahbez*, shared by Ben in Columbia, SC
*we originally attributed this lyric to Nat King Cole who SANG it, but didn’t write it. Whoops! Thanks to a reader who caught the error


Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible—it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could.
—Barbara De Angelis, shared by Angie in Michigan via


I love that you spend some of your precious time and energy reading and savoring these weekly splashes.

I love that you occasionally let me know when a particular issue resonates or troubles you.

I love that you forgive the typos and the quotes that don’t connect with your heart the way others do.

I love that you submit quotes to consider for future rippling.

I love that you forward Ripples on to family and friends and colleagues.

I love that you strive to put Ripples into action in ways that elevate yourself and those around you.

I love that we don’t have to agree on every single thing in order to come together for a minute every Monday morning.

I love that you open up your heart as you read them, and that you encourage me to open mine when I’m assembling them.

I love you, and I love us.

The Ripples Guy
P.S. You can head over to Team Ripples, our official Facebook group if you’d like to peek at our treasure trove of Love Quotes.

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