Ripples #846: Glorious Mistakes!
Aug 10, 2015
One mistake is an accident;
Two mistakes are your fault;
Three mistakes become jazz.
-written and shared by Kailyn Bennett in Boulder, CO
Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here.
-Neil Gaiman, Make Good Art, shared by Johnathan in Indianapolis, IN
Since everyone makes mistakes, and since mistakes develop persistence while increasing the satisfaction of eventually getting it right, it seems like a reasonably good idea to be as patient as possible when you or someone around you makes them.
Of course there are certain times when mistakes should be avoided because of their potential cost (heart surgeons, I’m talking to YOU!). But I’ve often found that the amount of time we spend worrying about and preventing mistakes takes up more time and energy than fixing minor errors that aren’t “end of the world” or “how are we going to recover from this?”
I invite you to take a few extra breaths this week and prepare to be less worried about making mistakes. Instead, let your excitement build as you consider how interesting your contributions could make the world when you build on your successes and improve after your mistakes. Try it and let me know how it goes!
The Ripples Guy