Ripples #817: Network of Mutuality.

Ripples #817: Network of Mutuality.
Jan 19, 2015


We must come to see that the end we seek is
a society at peace with itself,
a society that can live with its conscience.
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., shared by Isaac in Sedona, AZ


It really boils down to this:
that all life is interrelated.
We are all caught in an
inescapable network of mutuality,
tied into a single garment of destiny.
Whatever affects one directly,
affects all indirectly.
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., shared by Mary in Birmingham, AL


Today we celebrate Martin Luther King Day which is the 3rd Monday each January: right around Dr. King’s birthday AND the anniversary of Ripples (16 years with a total of 817 Ripples— WOOHOO!). I’ve recently read several articles speculating how Dr. King might assess the state of our world if he were alive today. I find this to be a difficult hypothesis to explore, because it frequently causes me to wonder how things might be different if his life hadn’t been cut short.

My own assessment: we have accomplishments to be proud of, setbacks to be concerned about, and plenty of progress to continue making. I’m grateful that we have a national holiday for Dr. King that has evolved into a Day of Service, and I’m grateful for the ways in which we continue to educate ourselves about the vital contributions of Dr. King and many other African Americans that have helped shape the world in which we live. I think it is vital that we continue to educate ourselves about where we’ve been, the current state of things, and where we are headed.

Join me in honoring Dr. King’s legacy with some reflection, and perhaps a humble act of service.

The Ripples Guy
P.S. You’re welcome to review and share our compilation of Dr. King’s wisdom that we’ve rippled over the past 16 years:

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