Ripples #815: Seized By Happiness!

Ripples #815: Seized By Happiness!


The moments of happiness we enjoy
take us by surprise.
It is not that we seize them,
but that they seize us.
-Ashley Montagu


Happiness cannot be traveled to,
owned, earned or worn.
It is a spiritual experience
of living every minute
with love, grace and gratitude.
-Denis Waitley,
shared by Chris Barker via PostBark


Welcome to 2015, my friends!

Whether last year was delightful, devastating, something in between, or all of the above, I think this new year arrives just in time to provide a fresh opportunity for a fresh start. I invite you to spend time this week deciding what memories and lessons from the last year you’d like to hold on to, and what you need to release so there is room for new adventures and new learnings in the new year.

I’ve set one primary goal for the year: to enhance my effectiveness at helping you enhance your effectiveness. I’m going to start with some minor tweaks to this weekly splash. While many of you have enjoyed the new colors and responsive design, there was some consistent feedback about readability that was worth addressing. Look for these changes in the next few weeks, and I’ll reveal a few more in the coming months.

And whether you’ve been receiving Ripples for just a few weeks or for many years, I consider it both a unique privilege and a great honor that you invited Ripples into your inbox and into your heart as we embark on what is certain to be a spectacular year. Let’s make 2015 count, shall we?

The Ripples Guy

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