Ripples #741: Belonging To Each Other.

Ripples #741: Belonging To Each Other.
For our tribe of busy people who believe in the power of uRock:
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness
5 Aug 2013


If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
-Mother Theresa


Extend to each person,
no matter how trivial the contact,
all the care and kindness and
understanding and love that you can muster,
and do it with no thought of any reward.
Your life will never be the same again.
-Og Mandino


You’re busy, I know.  You have lots on your plate and you are just juggling all kinds of stuff.  And I feel confident that at least some of the STUFF you’re juggling involves meeting the needs of others.  I get that, I really do.


What if we mustered all the care and kindness and understanding and love as Mr. Mandino describes above, and unleashed it as widely and often as possible.  Do everything you can, and see what happens.

The Ripples Guy

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