1999-2019: Celebrating 20 Years of Ripples!
Ripples #1038: F.E.A.R.
Apr 15, 2019
Fear has two meanings: ‘Forget Everything And Run’ or ‘Face Everything And Rise.’ The choice is yours.
-Zig Ziglar, shared by Holly in Phoenix, AZ
Being free of fear is not a matter of never feeling it, but of not being flattened when we do. We can feel it and know it is a natural phenomenon, also an impermanent one, which will have its say and be gone.
—David Guy, shared by Pete in Nederland, CO
What role is fear playing in your life right now?
Probably present in some form or another, Fear is most likely trying to focus on its number one job: protecting you from harm. Fear makes an excellent advisor, helping you steer clear of danger. It is often less helpful when put in charge of making decisions and choosing direction for the long term.
Whenever I notice that fear has taken the helm, I start by thanking it for the protection it is trying to provide and then asking for help in identifying potential dangers. Jotting down a list of concerns helps to separate actual risks I can prepare to minimize/avoid while setting aside unrealistic fears that are often left over from younger days.
That makes it easier to think of fear as a friend who sometimes lingers too long at the party rather than an enemy who must be avoided or banished…and therefore easier to Face Everything And Rise!
The Ripples Guy