Ripples #993: The Blechy Stuff!
June 4, 2018
Stress is one of the greatest gifts we have. It’s a motivator, a source of strength and a survival instinct that pushes us beyond what we often perceive as the limit of our capabilities.
-Jared Lindzon, shared by Missy Goodell, Olympia WA
Making plans for your life doesn’t get you out of the stuff that comes along whenever it feels like it. (The stuff that comes along whenever it feels like it may actually be what gets you to your life faster.)
-Brian Andreas, Bring Your Life Back to Life: A Guide to Effortless Joy
shared by DCB, living between Eden & Paradise
There is no doubt that life can be more challenging and less predictable than we wish it was. And sometimes just when we think things cannot get any worse, Life steps up and says, “Wanna bet?”
If Life has recently poured it on a little too thick and a little too much, gently remind yourself that your track record of getting through difficulty is actually quite high. Always remember and never forget: if you’re breathing, you’re still alive…you made it to today!
Mini-breaks are necessary so often as possible pause to take a few deep breaths (try one right now). Build in brief pit stops as necessary, and then hop up so you can keep trudging onward. Before you know it, you’ll realize you’re much farther along than you thought you were. Remember that even when you don’t have a choice about when and how and whether the blechy stuff shows up, you almost always have options about how to respond: to GO through it, or to GROW through it.
It’s okay to sometimes settle for just getting to the other side. Other times, I hope you’ll choose to grow. #GrowForIt
The Ripples Guy