Ripples #1,000: A Thousand Ripples!

Ripples #1,000: A Thousand Ripples!
July 16, 2018


Maybe our favorite quotes say more about us than about the stories and people we’re quoting.
-John Green, shared by Lorene in North Royalton, Ohio


Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it.
-Albus Dumbledore (JK Rowling), shared by Rachel in Stevensville, MI


On January 15, 1999, I sent an email to 75 people who had agreed to help me experiment with a brief weekly email containing a couple of quotes and something to ponder. We decided to call it “Ripples” to remind us all of the ongoing impact that even our smallest actions have. Here we are, 1,000 Mondays later! This 1,000th issue of Ripples is being sent out to 31,511 subscribers, with a few thousand more reading it online.

From the very first issue, the inspirational quotes included in each issue have been submitted by all of you. And while I’m honored to curate each issue and craft this “ponder” section, I’ve always thought of Ripples as ours. I’ve always appreciated the steady stream of kind messages that remind me that so many of you enjoy receiving Ripples as much as I’ve enjoyed assembling them.

I would like to celebrate this milestone by unleashing 1,000 ripples of compassion and kindness this week, and we’ve created a couple of fun treats to share with everyone who participates. Are you in? Please watch this 90-second video to learn more.

Whether you’ve just joined us, or been part of Team Ripples for years, I want you to know I’m really proud to have reached this milestone, and incredibly honored that so many readers are with us to celebrate. Thank you for extending the reach of these tiny splashes of inspiration!

The Ripples Guy
P.S. In addition to the 1,000 acts of kindness, we’re also hoping to gather 1,000 Smiles. We’ve assembled them in a single photo album in our Team Ripples Facebook Group. Please join us there, and add your smiling self holding a sign of encouragement or gratitude.

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