Ripples #823: Building Runways!

Ripples #823: Building Runways!
Mar 2, 2015


Fill your life with experiences, not excuses!
-a 51 year old man quoted in Jackson Brown’s “Life’s Little Instruction Book,”
shared by Judy G Berkeley, CA


Some of us have great runways already built for us. If you have one, take off!
But if you don’t have one, realize it is your responsibility to grab a shovel and build one for yourself and for those who will follow after you.
―Amelia Earhart,
shared by Theresa in Wisconsin


If you’re feeling stuck lately, and unable to lift off toward your dreams and aspirations, perhaps the best gift you can give yourself and those around you is to take some specific “pre-flight” action that will help prepare you for take off.

If you don’t currently have a vision of your future, maybe you could scribble down some specifics you can identify that would be part of your ideal future or even things that would improve upon your current life.

Once you know at least something about the direction you might head in, keep your eye open for books to read, people to connect with, or plans to make that might serve as a concrete base from which you can take off when the time is right.

Remember that eventually you’ll have to take action. Of course you might not make it to your final destination on your first flight attempt, but hopefully you’ll at least move yourself forward. I’m happy to be your co-pilot, but you’re in charge!


The Ripples Guy

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