Ripples #929: The Cracks.
Mar 13, 2017
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.
-Leonard Cohen, shared by Donna in Owings, MD
What we strive for in perfection is not what turns us into the lit angel we desire.
What disturbs and then nourishes has everything we need.
-David Whyte, The Winter of Listening, shared by Danielle in CA
We so frequently chase after perfect moments and ideal outcomes that we regularly zoom past the sacred gifts waiting for us in the flawed-yet-perfectly-fine happenings that fill our daily lives.
Of course there are times when we need to eliminate errors and settle only for excellence. Of course! But there are soooo many other times when the best thing we could do is embrace the reality of what is happening, and to recognize just how precious the imperfections can be.
If you would like to get better at embracing the cracks in your life, what you need to do is
Paul Wesselmann,
The Ripples Guy
P.S. Yup, I did that on purpose. 🙂