Ripples #1282: The Niceness of Slow

Slow is very nice. When cycling up a hill, it feels hard. Just continue. You will get there.
-Alexander Lagaaij, shared by Abbey in Rice Lake, WI

Keep going,
and don’t worry about your speed.
You’re making progress even
when it doesn’t seem like it.
Forward is forward,
no matter how slow.
-Lori Deschene, shared by Jenna in North Dakota


So how fast have you been going lately?

Between the extra rushness of the holidays and the annual panic of “Oh goodness, the year’s almost over and there was so much I wanted to accomplish before it ends,” December can include a flurry (or even a blizzard) of hustle bustle. The temptation to put our foot on the accelorator can be amplified when we are seduced by the aura of efficiency that surrounds speed: it seems to make sense that the faster we go, the faster we’ll get there. But there are so many exceptions!

The faster we go, the faster we’ll get there…
…except when we move carelessly, tripping over something and falling down;
…except when we rush to depart and forget something important that requires returning for retrieval;
…except when we get pulled over and issued a ticket for speeding;
…except when the “there” we are trying to get to is a place of peaceful existence.

Don’t get me wrong: there is definitely a place and time for Speedy-Fast-Fast and the exhilarating rush of adrenalin that it often unleashes. No need to completely abandon it forever. The trick is to remember the calming nature of a more measured pace. There is a Niceness of Slow that is worth remembering, savoring, and rehearsing mindfully.

May this week include enough Fastness to get you where you’re trying to go, and enough Slowness to arrive arrive safely, sanely, and maybe even serenely.

P.S. I’ve likely mentioned previously one of the many gems I picked up from my wise therapist, Lauretta: “The slower we go on this, the faster we’ll get there.” It took me a minute to believe her, but oh how often this has been useful and accurate in various endeavors, both personal and professional.

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