Ripples #1259: Learning from Silence


Silence isn’t empty. It’s full of answers.
-unknown, shared by Erica in New York


Silence is the final and ultimate teacher and the final and ultimate teaching.
-Adyashanti, shared by Pete in Colorado


A very curious thing happened when I sat down to pull together this issue of Ripples.

I had paired these quotes up a while back, waiting to unleash them until the next time I was planning some offline time. In the next few days I’ll be heading offline and off the beaten path for a period of solitude and silence.

As I sat down to my desk just now, the power flickered three times and then everything went dark. Just for a moment. The lights quickly blinked back on, my computer monitor buzzed back to life, and I opened up this document to begin writing.

But something was different, and it wasn’t until I read over these quotes a few times until I figured out what it was.

It. Was. Silent.

I almost always have either jazz or new age music playing at a low level in my home office while I’m working, as it helps drown out other noise and helps me maintain a sense of calm. But apparently the power flicker had silenced our Sonos wireless speakers we use to trickle sound throughout our house.

So here I sit, in my silent office, located in my silent house (Jame’s at the office today). Even the two construction projects taking place near my house are currently silent (lunchtime maybe?).

I’m sitting in silence, while pondering silence.

It is amazing.

I can’t think of anything to say about this experience, other than to share that it is divinely silent, it appears to be divinely timed, and it is ..just…divine.

May more of this silence visit me in the coming weeks, and may you notice and savor any silence that visits you as well.


P.S. I’ll let you now when I’m back in action…and in the meantime there are a handful of fresh weekly splashes all queued up to zoom out each Monday until I return. ☮️💟♒️

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