Gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness inside. No matter what is going on outside of us, there’s always something we could be grateful for.
-Barry Neil Kaufman, shared by Tony in Sioux Falls, SD
Where we put our focus expands in our minds, creating story after story contributing to our peace or suffering. That’s why the practice of gratitude is necessary for stories of abundance. We have to focus on it to appreciate it.
-Rachael Wolff, shared by Pete in Colorado
It’s time for Thanksgiving here in the U.S., and one of my favorite Ripples traditions is finding a couple of fresh quotes to help us refresh our attitude of gratitude.
For those planning to celebrate Thanksgiving by connecting with loved ones: may your travels be safe and your gatherings include a bounty of good eats and big love.
For those who are working or studying, or who for any reason find this time of year something other than happy and merry: may you find meaningful and/or fun activities to occupy your week, and maybe carve out a little time to ponder any good stuff that’s unfolded in your life lately.
And for our friends around the world who are having a regular ole week: may you, too, stumble upon some good stuff that allows you to elevate your spirit and fill your heart with gratitude.
P.S. One of the greatest treats in my life, a gift I am so grateful for, is the opportunity to spend 60 seconds with you each week, unleashing ripples of compassion and kindness. Your participation definitely helps make this more meaningful and more fun for me. Giving thanks to YOU on this Thanksgiving!