Our minds crave closure, but when we latch onto it prematurely, we miss beautiful and important moments along the way.
–Jamie Holmes, shared by Laura in Oklahoma
The most interesting moment in a person’s life is what happens to them when all their certainties go away. Then who do you become? And then what do you look for? …That’s the moment when the universe is offering up an invitation: “Come and find me…”
-Elizabeth Gilbert, shared by Sasha
As we prepare to dive into our third summer of Covidia, there is still more uncertainty than most of us prefer…more unknown than known about what things will be like and where we’re headed.
In a somewhat stunning bit of serendipity, I spent several weeks in early 2020 developing some content around the concept of liminal space for some groups I was working with who were in the midst of transition. I ended up sharing some of those ideas in Ripples #1085 just a few days before it became clear the Time of Covidia was indeed a thing that we had entered. We spent the next few weeks and months cultivating Curious Minds, Open Hearts, and Calm Spirits while also Nurturing Health. Thanks to your support, we also distributed thousands of WE GOT THIS stickers to help us remember all of this!
There is no doubt this has been a really tough period for most of us, and we’ve spent lots of time focused on surviving and reviving. One of the biggest learnings I’ll hold on to from this tumultuous period is just how many opportunities for thriving are infused into periods of challenge and change.
We unfortunately cannot banish uncertainty from our lives. What we can do is seek the right combination of passion, persistence and patience as we look beyond certainties for the myriad possibilities that await us.
P.s. In honor of Memorial Day, I thought I’d share this fascinating article about a long forgotten Memorial Day commemoration that historians rediscovered in the 1990s. It’s a worthy read!