You can get everything you want in life,
if you just help enough other people get what they want.
-Zig Ziglar, submitted by Shernell S., Galveston, TX
Let’s be honest.
We have an embarrassment of riches.
Life is good.
And that’s why we have an obligation to make it better.
If each of us doesn’t give something back,
it makes a mockery of all we’ve been given.
-Anna Quindlen, submitted by Grace H., Binghamton, NY
Earlier in the year, we collectively raised a few thousand dollars
for the “Modest Needs” Foundation and I think it is time to try it
again, with a twist. Since this is the first holiday season we will
have our online store open (I closed it last December while I was out
of town and WOW did I hear about it!) I am going to make this deal
with the members of The Ripples Project:
For every dollar you spend this week at The Ripples Project store
(all credit card orders and any check orders paid within a week) I
will donate 50-cents to charity….so we can help everyone have a
great holiday!
So, Leslie will be ready to ship your orders….and I’ll get my checkbook out!